April is Child Abuse Prevention Month.  Remember to wear blue on April 5, 2024 as we come together to shine a light on child abuse
and inspire conversations how we as a community can prevent it!
Official Proclamation for Peace Corps Week by the County of Hawaii
Page Stories
Creator of the Peace Pole for the Rotary Club of South Hilo, David Kunert, discusses the carvings on the custom Peace Pole now on display at the Hilo International Airport, and the significance of the carvings thereon.  The video quality is unfortunately not the best.


Photos: UH Hilo JFK Peace Corps Memorial recognizing the Pacific Peace Corps Training Center; RPCV and Instructor Kevin Hopkins joined us, along with Instructor and lawyer Butterfield, tabling and information and quiz about Peace Corps for students and instructors today; a continuously running video about the Hawai’i Island Peace Corps Training Program ‘60s-‘70s; a Peace Corps display at the Mo’okini Library put together by Dr. Su-Mi Lee; Rotarian